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Tag: Emily Clark

Your supplies can work for you with Inventory IQ®
There are many methods of managing inventory. A little less than half of all small businesses use the most rudimentary methods while others pay large premiums to have vending or VMI handle it for them. HUB's Inventory IQ is a flexible way to manage inventory that, with a small amount of discipline, can save money…
Let’s talk backorders…
World events have brought about unprecedented challenges to the supply chain, and it may still be a while before things return to normal predictability. Emily and David discuss how HUB has been dealing with the ever-changing landscape of backorders and the value of having a supplier who knows your industry so they can suggest substitutions…
Let’s talk about bags
By now it is clear to many in the waste industry that HUB caters to the needs of both sides of the house. As a result of requests, we are offering these cinch bags along with the many other items of specific interest to the industry. Do you have an item you use on…