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Tag: David Miller

More of what you need on one P.O.!
A smart way to hold down costs of supplies is to bundle more items on one purchase order. Just think about how much labor is expended in various departments to bring in supplies. Add to that the shipping costs of packages and deliveries from each of your vendors. David and Emily give an overview of…
Gearing Up for Winter
Getting a jump on winter apparel for your team is always a smart idea, but never has it been more essential than when supplies are in a state of disruption as they are this year. David describes our popular 30-60-90 plan and highlights some great options for outfitting the crew for winter weather.
Your supplies can work for you with Inventory IQ®
There are many methods of managing inventory. A little less than half of all small businesses use the most rudimentary methods while others pay large premiums to have vending or VMI handle it for them. HUB's Inventory IQ is a flexible way to manage inventory that, with a small amount of discipline, can save money…
How long is too long to wait for service?
Many companies cut costs by making it harder for their customers to get the help they need. If you call into a company and their auto-attendant tells you the wait to be connected is more than a minute, that company had decided to economize by transferring costs to their customers via unproductive wait time. David…