Draeger rep Adam Labadie drops in to talk with David about their line of gas detection monitors for the hydroblast industry.
David has a product suggestion for an innovative face shield that is designed to clip into a comfortable goggle as an alternative to the PETG or Polycarbonate shields you may have been using. These items are purchased separately but are designed to fit together, which can be a cost savings if you have to replace…
You don't have to speak isosceles to know that safety triangles are a must-have accessory on board your commercial fleet in case of a breakdown. David and Jordan review the proper placement of triangles and how easy they are to order from HUB!
Need Tyvek suits? Something to protect you when you're out there blasting? David and Jordan talk about the typical suits used in the industry and how HUB has most of what you need in stock.
Charlie and David discuss the virtues of HUB's exclusive CutArmour™ cut-resistant shirts and how, for a very limited time, buyers can get one free shirt with the purchase of four shirts as many times they want to claim the offer for the following 90 days by using offer code CUT22. The catch is, you…
A look at HUB's approach to providing pallet manufacturers and recyclers with the PPE and consumables they need to be competitive, safe, and efficient in a changing world...