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Plug vent holes the easy way
Looking for a better way to plug vent holes in your galvanized assemblies? Let Bennett and Jenny show you how. Also, don't miss the special offer at the end of the video! Details of the offer: Buy 2 packs of FastSteel® repair epoxy; get 1 pack free. Must use offer code EASYPLUG Offer expires Nov. 1, 2018 Shop FastSteel® epoxy HERE
Cut the hard stuff with our ProGrind™ diamond wheel
Bennett and Amanda introduce a new member of the ProGrind™ family, our diamond blades for cutting concrete and masonry. Watch the video to see how you can get a special offer with purchase! Offer expires Nov. 1, 2018; must use offer code PROGRIND18. Shop diamond wheels HERE
Can you sharpen a carbide-tipped annular cutter?
John runs down HUB's lineup of available annular cutters and explains how easy it is to get your cutters—yes, even your carbide-tipped cutters—sharpened and returned to you with our no-hassles sharpening service. Watch the video to find out this month's offer. Offer ends Oct 16, 2018; must use offer code FLYSHARP. Shop Annular Cutters HERE Email John about…
Let HUB prepare you for the unexpected
As our new line item promotion rolls along, you may be looking for items to add to your facility that will bring benefit to your company while the purchase accrues toward the premium you have in mind. With this in mind, Shawn presents a selection of items that you'll be glad you have on hand…
Choosing the Right Flap Disc for the Job
Do you know when is the best time to use a jumbo flap disc? John and Anna present a flap disc tutorial featuring our PROGRIND® wheels, and also touching on our new ceramic-plus resin fiber discs for good measure. Details of offer: Add any PROGRIND flap disc or resin fiber disc to your order and use offer…