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Qwik Dry is the TRU GALV® answer to rain in the forecast
Are you doing repairs in the field? Try our Tru-Galv® Qwik Dry when you can't wait for normal dry times. Details of offer: Offer code: QWIK19 Offer expires: April 30, 2019 Web orders: When you add the offer code QWIK19, a discount of 25% will be applied to your TRU-GALV QWIK DRY purchase.  
Snips, Nippers, Cutters and Loppers
For all the parts on a vehicle that won't come apart with a wrench or a saw, those are the times you reach for your two-handed cutting tools.  HUB Industrial Supply has specialized tools that cut the bolts, the chains, the wiring harnesses and the gas tank straps because we know that having the right…
Introducing Twin Power Grinding Discs
John shows off our latest innovation: a two-sided grinding disc! This rigid zirconium-coated disc can be used on either side to make grinding, finishing and beveling multiple surfaces simple. No more repositioning your workpiece or turning your grinder upside down. Watch the video and see how you can try out this disc at a great…
Concrete Test Cylinders and Rebar Spacers
Precast people live in a world that is hidden from the general manufacturing community. When you're shopping for the items that the average supplier wouldn't even know what you're talking about, where do you find it? We'd really like it if you keep us in mind not only for your specialty needs, but for dozens…
Dirt with a purpose: Rhino Dirt™ cleans up leaks and spills
Leigh gives a brief rundown of what Rhino Dirt can do for your facility. If you're using clay-based products to absorb spilled fluids on your shop floor, consider switching to this product that does a better job of absorbing oils and other hydrocarbons and won't leach back what it absorbs. You can just sweep it…