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The Opposite of Supply Shortages
Oddly enough, there are still a few items in this era of supply chain issues which we actually have too many of. When our stock hangs around too long, we discount it and put it on our clearance page. Bennett and Emily explain how you can find some real bargains to stock up on!
Saving money on hydroblasting supplies
There are a lot of strategies for saving money on the supplies you need to get the job done, and some of the most effective have little to do with finding the lowest price. As Mike and Sam explain in this video, knowing the stuff you really need is going to be available to ship…
Strap-ula City
If every there was a one-stop shop for auto recyclers, HUB is about the closest you'll ever get. Among all the other industry-proven safety, dismantling, MRO, and janitorial supplies we offer, we have shipping and strapping choices to suit every occasion. Mike and Leigh talk about some of the straps, cords, and tie-downs available from…
Residential Haulers
David and Mike discuss the unsung heroism of the men and women who pick up after the rest of us and keep our neighborhoods safe and clean. It's an honor to provide these front-line workers the protective gear they need to do their jobs and keep them comfortable and safe. And if you haven't already…
HUB’s Zone Defense: Cutting Table
Charlie and David discuss the special hazards faced by glass cutting table workers and the industry-proven solutions HUB offers to keep them safe. For more information, see our cutting table flier.
HUB’s zone defense: Pallet Repair Table
As an example of the depth of HUB's commitment to the pallet industry, Emily and Jonny use the example of a pallet repair station to illustrate all the industry-proven comfort, safety and production items HUB has available to meet your needs. To see the flyer Jonny mentions in the video, click HERE.