Emily and Shawn want to spread the news of the ongoing Buy New 22 promotion that will last until the end of August. Earn points towards premiums by buying items from HUB you've never purchased from us before! Just don't forget to add the offer code BUYNEW22S to every order! More details can be found…
David and Marisha count down the 10 most requested supplies from HUB Industrial Supply.
Getting your product in and out of your plant requires loading it onto a truck and transporting it. HUB can help you out with ratchet straps. As Bennett describes in the video, we have a large selection of J-hook, E-track, and flat hook choices. Find out more about your available choices here. Use offer code…
Mike and Sam count down the 10 most requested items from HUB Industrial Supply
Mike and Leigh count down the top 10 requested items from HUB Industrial Supply.
It's a nasty business at the end of a long day collecting other people's refuse. David and Jordan have a proposal for a way to make it a little less nasty for the guy who has to hose down the inside of the garbage truck. Click here for a closer look at the goggles and…