Mike and Leigh remind us that HUB has a great selection of ratchet straps with the ends and duty rating you're looking for. Click HERE to find out about a limited time offer on ratchet straps from HUB! For more details about the Buy New 22 promotion going on right now, see DETAILS…
There are some situations where the typical options for staying cool simply aren't effective. If you have to wear a protective coveralls, evaporative cooling products can't really help that much. That's where our phase change cooling vest offers a way to keep your core from overheating. Watch as Bennett and Dr. Slausenberg demonstrate how it…
Bennett and Emily comment on a video comparison of HUB's unbreakable broom series vs. an ordinary palmyra push broom. The results speak for themselves. Going on now through 9/15/2022, if you buy one of these broom heads, we will send you the head and the handle when you use the offer code. Read about the…
David and Jordan talk about the best gloves to use when repairing equipment. We also remind you that there is a Buy New 22 promotion going on until the end of August, and the details may be found here: DETAILS OF PROMOTION DESCRIPTION OF PREMIUMS
Sam and Mike discuss the need to be prepared for your next outage project with the correct lockout equipment, which includes tags, hasps, padlocks and all sorts of other specialized devices to disable the things that you don't want suddenly and unexpectedly coming to life. Also don't forget about the Buy New 22 promotion going…
David and Charlie point out all the improvements we've made on our Cut-Armour protective shirts We are also smack dab in the midst of our Buy New 22 promotion, which you can read about here: DETAILS OF PROMOTION DESCRIPTION OF PREMIUMS