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Big Grip Shop Towels
Emily and Jonny present a new way to deliver shop towels to your team. The Big Grip container is re-usable, comes with brackets and mounting hardware for hanging on a wall, and delivers quality Sellars shop towels. Also available: Clean Task wet wipes and refills.
Cooling vests keep you safe from heat stress
There are a lot of strategies workers use to increase comfort and decrease heat injuries, but most of them are ineffective when you have to wear bulky safety apparel such as cut-resistant jackets. David and Charlie demonstrate a way to make the workplace bearable even in the hottest conditions using phase change technology. Shop EZ…
These blast boots are a cut above
David talks about a safety boot that has gotten high praise from people who have used them for hydroblasting. The Tingley Sigma 16" boot has many features that workers like, and David describes some of its features.
TRU-GALV® Spot Touch-Up
Bennett Introduces the latest TRU-GALV product: an 8-oz. can of silver galvanizing compound with a brush in the lid of the can. See for yourself if this fits your touch-up needs and make sure to give us your feedback!
Breakaway hoods keep your team safe
When you're working around machinery, hoodies are a bad idea. Even though they do a great job of keeping you warm in the rain and cold, it's just too risky to expose yourself to a gruesome accident if that hood happened to get snagged or drawn into the workings of the machine. ...That is, unless…
Ratchet straps for every need
Mike and Leigh remind us that HUB has a great selection of ratchet straps with the ends and duty rating you're looking for. Click HERE to find out about a limited time offer on ratchet straps from HUB! For more details about the Buy New 22 promotion going on right now, see DETAILS…