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Glass Videos

Glass Videos

Your supplies can work for you with Inventory IQ®
There are many methods of managing inventory. A little less than half of all small businesses use the most rudimentary methods while others pay large premiums to have vending or VMI handle it for them. HUB's Inventory IQ is a flexible way to manage inventory that, with a small amount of discipline, can save money…
How long is too long to wait for service?
Many companies cut costs by making it harder for their customers to get the help they need. If you call into a company and their auto-attendant tells you the wait to be connected is more than a minute, that company had decided to economize by transferring costs to their customers via unproductive wait time. David…
365-Day Returns
Emily details one of HUB's signature features—our generous returns policy. For more information, See our terms and conditions page on our website.
Let’s talk backorders…
World events have brought about unprecedented challenges to the supply chain, and it may still be a while before things return to normal predictability. Emily and David discuss how HUB has been dealing with the ever-changing landscape of backorders and the value of having a supplier who knows your industry so they can suggest substitutions…
Money-saving tips hiding in plain sight
Emily and David discuss success stories they've witnessed since HUB started offering Sellars Toolbox® wipes and towels, and suggest simple strategies for keeping your wiper costs under control. Shop Toolbox towels HERE.
Gloves with glass workers in mind
Glass workers have some pretty specific requirements when it comes to gloves. Many require minimum performance levels in cut and puncture, and some tasks even involve gloves rated to leave no residue on the glass. You can rely on HUB's familiarity with the industry to provide you with glove options that will do the job…